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Roof renovation – what matters?

If your property is a bit older or you’re looking to buy an older building, keep an eye on the roof every now and then. Sooner or later, various components will require renovation, and the roof should not be disregarded in any case. In order to prevent consequential damage to the building fabric, the roof, roof truss and roof insulation must be renewed from time to time. Read on here if you want to know what is meant by a roof renovation and what should be considered.

What is meant by a classic roof renovation?

Roof renovation is a generic term for various works around the roof. Work such as the replacement of individual roof tiles or the entire roof covering, replacement of insulation, renewal of the roof truss and roof drainage are classically part of a roof renovation. Repair work to mend individual elements is also part of a roof renovation in terms of partial renovation. Which measures of a roof renovation are due with you, depends on different factors.

Roof renovation can also mean the replacement of individual roof tiles and include partial renovation

How long does a roof usually last?

Depending on the material used, a tiled roof can last between 30 and 60 years. At the latest then it makes sense to have the roof and the roof truss inspected, preferably by a specialist.

Roof renovation of old buildings – also consider roof insulation

Roofs of old buildings are often insufficiently insulated. Roof insulation must also be checked during roof renovation and properly insulated if necessary.

What are the types of roof insulation?

Attic insulation

Attic insulation is the simplest type of insulation. This is done by means of insulation panels, which are placed on the floor of the attic. The costs here are manageable. But you must be aware that the attic then can not serve as living space, because only the floor below is insulated and not the attic itself.

Above-rafter insulation

This roof insulation is the best kind, but also the most expensive. Here, the entire roof must be covered. Therefore, it is usually used only when re-roofing is also an option. In this case, the insulation material is placed above the rafters and below the roof covering.

Intermediate rafter insulation

In the so-called inter-rafter insulation, as the name suggests, insulation material is placed between the rafters of the roof. If the insulation materials are not properly installed here, there is a risk of thermal bridges. Warm air can escape in this way. But the result can be condensation, which can damage the roof structure. Therefore, it is essential to let professionals do the work when insulating between the rafters.

Combination between-rafter insulation and under-rafter insulation

To avoid thermal bridges, the insulation between the rafters can be supplemented with insulation under the rafters. Thus, a second layer of insulation boards is additionally applied. The disadvantage here is that you reduce the area under the roof. If the converted attic is to serve as living space, it is important to remember this.

Check up the roof in spring and winter

Inspect roof twice a year at least for external damage to avoid major roof restoration

Homeowners should check their homes for damage or leaks at least twice a year, preferably before winter sets in and after winter in the early spring. This also includes regular inspection of the roof.

If the winter was particularly long, cold and there was a lot of snow or even storms, it is essential to check the roof after the winter.

  • Check the tiles for external damage: if tiles are broken or defective, then do not wait too long to repair the roof before a complete renovation becomes necessary
  • If you already notice inconsistencies in the roof structure, such as water running along the walls or ceiling, it is high time for a more detailed inspection of the roof.
Replace defective tiles promptly – this way, roof renovation can be properly planned at an early stage with minor repairs

By carefully inspecting your roof from time to time, you can save money on a major roof restoration. Minor defects can be discovered and repaired early, before a complete roof renovation becomes necessary.

Are there any signs when a roof renovation becomes necessary?

The answer is quite clearly yes. Yes there are signs that indicate if a roof renovation is needed. In addition to loose or fallen off or slanted roof tiles, holey or damp areas also indicate roof replacement is needed. Mold growth inside is also a serious sign. If moisture penetrates, roof replacement can no longer be avoided. If the roof truss can be walked on from the inside, it is also worth checking the support beams from time to time. Sawdust chips may be an indication of woodworm. Extreme weather events can also lead to the need for roof restoration such as storms or excessive snowfall. Of course, the roof can also be renewed as part of a modernization request if the attic is to be converted and used as living space.

Advantages of roof renovation

If you have found defects in the roof, renovation or roof restoration may be appropriate. Roof renovation brings the following advantages:

  • Improved living climate
  • Reduction of heating costs due to better insulation
  • Living space can be created if the roof truss of old buildings is also extended, e.g. as part of a roof renovation project.

In addition to an improved living climate, you also do something for the sake of the environment. Heat cannot escape unhindered to the outside, but remains inside due to improved thermal insulation.

Roof renovation does not always mean a new roof truss

Depending on the condition of the roof truss, roof renovation must be considered individually

Depending on the age and condition of the roof truss, it is not always necessary to replace the entire roof truss when renovating the roof. If the beams are still in good condition externally and do not show cracks due to woodworm, it is not necessary to renew the roof truss. If moisture has penetrated the beams because bricks are leaking, it is possible to check individually how well the beams are still in good shape or not. If the roof truss has to be completely renewed, this is quite complex and costly.

Roof renovation- building permit necessary?

If you also want to make structural changes as part of a roof renovation, such as installing a skylight, a dormer or a new roof truss, this requires a permit. It is therefore advisable to contact the local building authority of the respective municipality before renovating the roof and to find out whether your renovation measures require a permit. If you do not know exactly how to do this, it is not a problem at all. also takes care of the official clarifications for you and you do not have to bother with the paperwork.

Roof renovation of old buildings- beware of pollutants

Attention in old buildings – there is a risk that asbestos has been used in the roof insulation and roofing.

The age of your property will show if any unhealthy building materials may have been installed. If your property was built before 1990, there is a risk, whether for insulation or roofing, that harmful building materials such as asbestos, so-called Eternit panels for roofing or Eternit as insulation may have been installed. Certain rules apply when deconstructing these pollutants. Here, experts can best decide whether building materials that are hazardous to health are installed and advise you on what to look out for.

Turn to professionals for a professional assessment of the roof

Contact professionals for qualified inspection of the roof

If you are planning a roof renovation, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist in advance. An energy consultant can show you, for example, whether your roof is properly insulated or whether you are already losing heat here. In the case of major renovation work on the roof, an architect can also be useful. These experts can assess with certainty when which measures are necessary. has on the one hand qualified architects who do not cost you a centime extra and on the other hand we advise you at eye level. With us, you do not have to worry about additional costs and we will inform you about all the necessary steps, including roof renovation.

Stop by today and see our renovation projects for yourself. No matter what you want to renovate, we have the right solution ready for you and support you throughout the entire renovation process. You can also reach us at or by phone at 044 860 37 91.